Heretik Toplumsallıklar Kollektifemeyeni

Saturday, June 20, 2009


"I have a distinct idea of body [corpus], in so far as this is simply an extended, non-thinking thing. And accordingly, it is certain that I [fr.vers. "that is, my soul , by which I am what I am"] am really distinct from my body, and can exist without it" (Meditations, 6, p.115). Descartes

"what perception is, every one will know better by reflecting on what he does himself, when he sees, hears, feels, &c. or thinks, than by any discourse of mine. Whoever reflects on what passes in his own mind, cannot miss it: and if he does not reflect, all the words in the world cannot make him have any notion of it." (II, ch.ix.,2) Locke

kendine geri dönemeyen enerjileriyle zihin corpus'u başkalığa açacaktır, açık bir sistem olarak zaman, kendi ekstazında asli dağılmışlığımızı vurgular/bulgular: ben kendimi göremediğim surette benin duvarlarını aşındırırım. gerçek şizofreniktir ve dolayısıyla ilişkiseldir

"My characters sometimes behave as a mirror that cannot reflect. They are there to tell you something about your looking, but they cannot, because they don't let you see yourself." munoz

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